Publications † close mentorship, bold indicates USU affiliation In Prep/Revision Saarman NP, Graybeal K†, Calhoun EG†, Tyler S†, Faiman R, Schultz A, Pellegrini R, Arent S, Gloria-Soria A. Northward shift in Culex quinquefasciatus and hybrids in the Culex pipiens species complex across mid-latitudes of North America. In prep for One Health. Saarman NP, Moses C†, Griffiths R†, Bishop A†, Meredith E†, Calhoun E†, Pless E†, Hyseni C, Amatulli G, Caccone A. A machine learning approach to integrating genetic and ecological data in tsetse flies (Glossina fuscipes fuscipes) for spatially explicit vector control planning. In prep for American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene. Calhoun E†, Bateta R†, Meredith E†, Moses C†, Dion K, Johnson T†, Hyseni C, Okeyo W†, Mireji P, Murilla G, Aksoy S, Caccone A, and Saarman NP (In Revision). Integrating genetic and ecological data sources from tsetse populations in Uganda. Previously reviewed in American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, in revision for publication in Insects. 2020-2024 (USU) 26. Schiebelhut LM, Guillaume AS, Kuhn A, Schweizer RM, Armstrong EE, Beaumont MA, Byrne M, Cosart T, Hand BK, Howard L, Mussmann SM, Narum SR, Rasteiro R, Rivera-Colon AG, Saarman NP, Sethuraman A, Taylor HR, Thomas GW, Wellenreuther M, Luikart G (2024). Genomics and conservation: Guidance from training to analyses and applications. Molecular Ecology Resources, 24(2): e13893. 25. Saarman NP, Son JH†, Zhao H, Cosme LV, Kong Y, Li M†, Wang S†, Weiss BL, Echodu R, Opiro R†, Serap Aksoy S, and Caccone A (2023). Genomic evidence of sex chromosome aneuploidy and infection-associated genotypes in the tsetse fly Glossina fuscipes, the major vector of African trypanosomiasis in Uganda. Infection, Genetics and Evolution, 114: 105501. 24. Vavassori L†, Honnen A-C†, Saarman NP, Caccone A, Müller P (2022). Multiple introductions and overwintering shape the progressive invasion of Aedes albopictus beyond the Alps. Ecology and Evolution 12(7), e9138. 23. Stiller J, Short G, Hamilton H, Saarman NP, Longo S, Wainwright P, Rouse GW, Simison WB (2022). Phylogenomic analysis of Syngnathidae reveals novel relationships, origins of endemic diversity and variable diversification rates. BMC Biol 20, 75. 22. Bishop A†, Hyseni C, Pless E†, Amatulli G, Caccone A, and Saarman NP (2021). A machine learning approach to integrating genetic and ecological data in tsetse flies (Glossina pallidipes) for spatially explicit vector control planning. Evolutionary Applications, 14(7): 1762-1777. 21. Schweizer RM, Saarman NP, Ramstad KM, Forester BR, Kelley JL, Hand BK, Malison RL, Ackiss AS, Watsa M, Beja-Pereira A, Waples RS, Funk WC, and Luikart G (2021). Conservation genomics: Honing your skills, hedging bets, and learned lessons from ConGen 2019. Journal of Heredity, 112(4): 313-327. 20. Son JH, Weiss BL, Schneider DI, Kisweda-sida D, Gstottenmayer F, Opiro R, Echodu R, Saarman NP, Attardo G, Onyango M, Abdalla A, Aksoy S (2021). Infection with endosymbiotic Spiroplasma disrupts tsetse (Glossina fuscipes fuscipes) metabolic and reproductive homeostasis. PLoS Pathogens, 17(9): e1009539. 19. Pless E†, Saarman NP, Powell JR, Caccone A, and Amatulli G (2021). Mapping landscape connectivity in Aedes aegypti: a novel machine learning approach to integrate genetic and environmental data. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 118(9): e2003201118. 18. Saarman NP*, Bateta R†*, Okeyo WA†, Dion K, Mireji PO, Okoth S, Malele I, Murilla M, Aksoy S, Caccone A (2020). Phylogeography and population structure of the tsetse fly Glossina pallidipes in Kenya and the Serengeti ecosystem. PLoS Negl Trop Dis 14(2): e0007855. 17. Crandall SG, Saarman NP, Gilbert GS (2020). Fungal spore diversity, community structure, and traits across a vegetation mosaic. Fungal Ecology, 45: 100920. 2010-2020 16. Saarman NP*, Schneider DI*, Onyango MG*†, Hyseni C, Opiro R, Echodu R, et al. (2019). Spatio-temporal distribution of Spiroplasma infections in the tsetse fly (Glossina fuscipes fuscipes) in northern Uganda. PLoS Negl Trop Dis 13(8): e0007340. 15. Grove S, Saarman NP, Gilbert GS, Faircloth B, Haubensak KA, Parker I (2019). Ectomycorrhizas and tree seedling establishment are strongly influenced by forest edge proximity but not soil inoculum. Ecological Applications, e01867. 14. Saarman NP, Opiro R†, Echodu R, Opiyo EA, Dion K, Aksoy S, and Caccone A (2019). Genome-wide patterns of divergence and introgression across three Glossina fuscipes fuscipes admixture zones in northern Uganda. Molecular Ecology, 28: 66-85. 13. Saarman NP*, Okeyo W†*, Bateta R, Dion K, Mireji P, Okoth S, Ouma JO, Ouma C, Ochieng J, Murilla G, Aksoy S, Caccone A (2018). Genetic diversity and population structure of the tsetse fly Glossina pallidipes (Diptera: Glossinidae) in southern Kenya: implications for vector control. American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, 99(4): 945-953. 12. Saarman NP*, Burak M†*, Opiro R†, Echodu R, Opiyo EA, Dion K, Haylard A†, Aksoy S, and Caccone A (2018). A spatial genetics approach to inform vector control of tsetse flies (Glossina fuscipes fuscipes) in Northern Uganda. Ecology and Evolution, ece3.4050. 11. Harencar JG†, Lutgen GA, Taylor ZM, Saarman NP, Yost, JM (2018). How population decline can impact genetic diversity: a case study of eelgrass (Zostera marina) in Morro Bay, California. Estuaries and Coasts, s12237-018-0421-8. 10. Saarman NP, Kober KM, Simison WB, Pogson GH (2017). Sequence-based analysis of thermal adaptation and protein energy landscapes in an invasive blue mussel (Mytilus galloprovincialis). Genome Biology and Evolution, 9(10): 2739-2751. 9. Saarman NP*, Okeyo W†*, Mengual M†, Dion K, Bateta R, Mireji P, Okoth S, Ouma JO, Ouma C, Ochieng J, Murilla G, Aksoy S, Caccone A (2017). Temporal patterns of genetic variation in Glossina pallidipes tsetse fly populations in Kenya. Parasites and Vectors, 10:47. 8. Saarman NP*, Kamidi C†*, Dion K, Mireji P, Collins O, Murilla G, Aksoy S, Schnaufer A, Caccone A. Multiple evolutionary origins of Trypanosoma evansi in Kenya (2017). PLoS Neglected Tropical Disease, 11(9): e00058950. 7. Saarman NP, Gloria-Soria A, Evans BR, Pless E†, Anderson EC, and Powell JR. Effective population sizes of a major vector of human diseases, Aedes aegypti (2017). Evolutionary Applications, 10 (10): 1031-1039. 6. Saarman NP*, Opiro R†*, Echodu R, Opiyo E, Dion K, Haylard, Aksoy S, and Caccone A (2017). Genetic diversity and population structure of the tsetse fly Glossina fuscipes (Diptera: Glossinidae) in Northern Uganda: Implications for vector control. PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases, 11(4): e0005485. 5. Opiro R†, Saarman NP, Echodu R, Opiyo EA, Dion K, Haylard A, Aksoy S, and Caccone A (2016). Evidence of temporal stability in allelic and mitochondrial haplotype diversity in populations of Glossina fuscipes fuscipes (Diptera: Glossinidae) in northern Uganda. Parasites and Vectors, 9: 258-263. 4. Saarman NP*, Hamilton H*, Short G, Sellas AB, Moore B, Hoang T, Grace CL, Crow K, Gommon M, and Simison WB (2016). Molecular Phylogeny and Patterns of Diversification in Syngnathid Fishes. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, 107: 388-403. 3. Saarman NP, Pogson GH (2015). Introgression between invasive and native blue mussels (genus Mytilus) in the central California hybrid zone. Molecular Ecology, 24: 4723–4738. 2. Huffard CL, Saarman NP, Hamilton H, Simison WB (2010). The evolution of conspicuous facultative mimicry in octopuses: an example of secondary adaptation? Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 101: 68–77. 1. Saarman NP, Louie KD, Hamilton H (2010). Genetic differentiation across eastern Pacific oceanographic barriers in the threatened seahorse, Hippocampus ingens. Conservation Genetics, 11: 1989-2000. |